
Welcome to Calvary Baptist Church!

We are an international baptist church located in Aomori prefecture, Japan.
For 60+ years our church has primarily served the American military community from Misawa Air Base as well as the local Japanese believers. Therefore, our worship services are conducted bilingually in English and Japanese. We strive to be faithful in the basics of the Christian faith: in worship, prayer, bible reading, service, fellowship, and evangelism. We desire to glorify God by proclaim the saving gospel of Christ, equipping the saints through teaching the reformed doctrines of God’s Word, and by loving God and neighbor with the love of Christ.
Please come and join us in worship and fellowship. God bless you!


Weekly Service ー 集会案内

Sunday Worship Service 10:30~
日曜礼拝 10:30~

Wednesday Evening Midweek Service 18:30~
夕礼拝・祈祷会 水曜日の18:30~
Friday Night Fellowship and Supper 18:00~
交流会・夕食 金曜日の18:00~

Our Staff スタッフ紹介

Pastor James DeViney and family. デヴィニー牧師一家

Pastor James DeViney
I came to Japan in 2007 as a high schooler when my father was stationed at Misawa Air Base, and my family quickly connected with Calvary Baptist Church. As I grew up I came to love Japan and it’s people, and the Lord gave me the burden to stay and serve the local church.  As my family returned to the US, I started working and studying, and after meeting my wife who is a local pastor’s child, I began to attend a Japanese seminary in order to better learn how to teach and minister by the natives who know intimately the difficulties of the pastorate here, as well as learn theology in the local tongue.  After several years mentoring under the previous pastors, the church officially elected me as pastor in May, 2021.

主任牧師 デヴィニー ジェームス